Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
This Site is intended for personal use only, and not commercial use.
The use of the site is subject to the terms and conditions specified below.
The very use of the Site and/or database constitutes consent, without qualification, to the terms and conditions included in these “Terms of Use”. Therefore, we would appreciate if you would dedicate some time to reading these terms and conditions carefully before using the Site.
Atid Plus Fund for Education in Israel (RA.) reserves the right to update these Terms of Use, from time to time, at its discretion, and without the need to deliver prior notice. The modification will be valid from the moment it is posted. Upon every entry to the Site, the Terms of Use may be read in their most current version.
The Site is managed and operated by Atid Plus Fund for Education in Israel (RA.) of Canada 22 St. Gan-Yavne, Israel (“Atid Plus” and/or the “Site Operator”). Wherever the absence of Atid Plus’ responsibility is specified, the intention is also to the absence of responsibility of its employees, managers, owners, and persons acting on its behalf or in its stead.
These Terms of Use are drafted, for the sake of convenience, in the masculine, but apply to both genders.
- General
- The information provided on the Site is made freely accessible and is free of charge, and inspection or use thereof does not create any agreement and/or undertaking between the user and Atid Plus and/or anyone on its behalf and/or any other person connected in any way, directly and/or indirectly, to the Site and/or to the information therein.
- Some of the content, photographs, text, etc. (“Information” or “Content”) included in the Site is provided by the general public and the various users, and therefore may appear in a non-uniform manner and Atid Plus does not undertake with respect to its fitness for any purpose or use, and is not responsible for the level of accuracy or veracity of the content thereof.
- The Site’s users are obligated to act pursuant to the provisions of any law, including the Prohibition on Slander Law, the Protection of Privacy Law, the Copyright Law, in good faith, with personal responsibility not to violate the law. No content should be uploaded to the Site which constitutes an infringement of copyrights, slander, libel or a violation of any other law, including the disclosure of information that is protected by copyrights, private documents that are protected by the Protection of Privacy Law, designs, patents, trade secrets, trademarks, etc.
- With regard to Information or Content provided by users to appear on the site, Atid Plus is not liable for a violation of intellectual property law, including infringements of copyrights, slander, libel, violation of privacy, or a violation of any other law, including the disclosure of private documents, designs, patents and trade secrets, and the users alone are responsible for such acts.
- The database includes, inter alia, also content, applications and tools owned by third parties. Use contrary to the Terms of Use may constitute an infringement of copyrights and/or any other right belonging to third parties.
- The possibility granted to users to copy Information from the Site, including text and/or an image and/or any other data, is limited to details in respect of which it is explicitly stated may be copied, and in accordance with the Terms of Use stated. This possibility constitutes permission for personal use, and not for marketing, advertising or commercial purposes.
- In any use of Information, you are required to give proper credit to the creator, insofar as his identity is stated, to the owners of the information and to Atid Plus, in a clear and prominent manner. Wherever possible, a link should be added to the website.
- The Site is open for the use of the general public. Some of the services require registration. Use may be made of these services after completion of a registration process, and after your consent is received to the Terms of Use. It is prohibited to transfer, for and/or without consideration, your account to a third party.
- When using the Site, Information may accumulate with Atid Plus regarding the pages that you have viewed, the services and information that interested you, the time you spent on the Site, the actions that you performed through the Site, etc. Atid Plus may keep the information in its databases. Use of this information, as well as information that you provide at the time of registration for the various services on the Site, will only be made according to the Terms of Use and/or pursuant to the provisions of any law, inter alia in order to improve and enrich the services and content offered on the Site, and in this context to create new services and content that fit the requirements of the Site’s users and their expectations, and to modify or cancel existing services and content.
- The said information that shall be used by Atid Plus for such purpose will be statistical information, which does not identify you personally. Atid Plus will be entitled to deliver the statistical information to a third party, provided that the information does not allow you to be identified.
- The Site offers users to make donations to Atid Plus Fund for Education in Israel (RA.) and as part of the donation process the user is asked to provide his full name and contact information which will be recorded and kept by Atid Plus, all in accordance to law. Atid Plus may use such contact information to contact the user for additional donation proposals, so long as the user did not informed Atid Plus otherwise.
- The user may not create another database based on Atid Plus’ database. The database shall not be copied, distributed or advertised, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Atid Plus. The database shall not be used in a manner which may disrupt and/or impair the database.
- Copyrights; intellectual property
- The copyrights and intellectual property in the Site, in the services offered and in the Information included therein is owned by Atid Plus or by third parties which have authorized Atid Plus to use the same in the framework of the Site.
- The users may make “fair use” of the material according to the rules set forth in the Copyright Law. Persons quoting from the materials on the Site are obligated to state the source of the quote/s. It is prohibited to make any distortion, flaw or other change to the material, or to take any harmful action with respect to a creation, which may harm the dignity or reputation of the owner of the copyrights therein. It is prohibited to copy, distribute, broadcast or publish the Information in any place, format or at any time, and through any of the various forms of media (radio, television, the press, etc.), including digital means, without the prior written consent of the owners of the rights in the Information. No commercial use shall be made of the Site, the database or the Information included therein.
- It is necessary to refrain from removing, deleting or disrupting any notice or mark regarding intellectual property rights, for example the copyright symbol ©, or trademark symbol ®, which accompany the content used.
- Atid Plus makes every effort to prevent rights violations and in the event that it is discovered that a violation has been committed, it shall make an immediate effort to remove the violative information immediately upon being approached by the owners of the rights in the information.
- Links
- There are links on the Site or referrals to other sites which do not belong to Atid Plus and are intended for the users’ convenience only, and allow content posted on the internet to be found. The content on the other sites is not posted by or on behalf of Atid Plus, and it is not responsible for and does not control or supervise the same. The fact that Atid Plus’ Site links to such content does not attest to consent to the content thereof, and constitutes no guarantee of the credibility, currentness or lawfulness thereof or of the practices of the owners of the content with respect to privacy and any other aspect involved in the operation thereof. Atid Plus uses its best efforts in order that the referrals are to appropriate sites only, but you may find that such content does not fit your requirements or that you object to the content thereof, or that you believe that they are aggravating, irritating, unsuitable, unlawful or immoral. Atid Plus is not responsible for the content to which the links lead, and is not responsible for any damage that is caused by use thereof or reliance thereon.
- The following provisions shall apply to use of these links, and they do not derogate from the other provisions of the Terms of Use. With respect to links to external sites, unless stated otherwise on this Site, there is no legal or commercial relationship between Atid Plus and the owners of third party sites, Atid Plus has no control over or right in the material on such sites and it is not responsible for the content of the material on third party sites.
- Without derogating from the aforesaid, Atid Plus is not liable for any direct or indirect damage caused to users as a result of use of or reliance on the information and content appearing on sites that they reach through or via use of or a link on Atid Plus’ Site.
- Atid Plus does not undertake that the links on the Site are in working order and will lead you to an active website, and it may remove links included therein in the past, or refrain from adding new links – all at its absolute discretion.
- Absence of responsibility
- The service is offered “as is”, and Atid Plus bears no responsibility for the service and/or the service’s suitability for the users’ needs, characteristics, abilities or limitations in respect of the use.
- In addition, there may be errors, contradictions or discrepancies etc. Atid Plus is not responsible for any damage that is caused due to reliance on the information.
- The user alone is responsible for the use of Atid Plus’ Site and databases.
- Atid Plus secures the Information on the Site through advanced data protection systems. However, it cannot undertake that the services and the Information on the Site and on the servers are absolutely immune to hacking and/or attempts to hack the computers, and Atid Plus is not liable for any damage caused to data and/or documents and/or databases and/or any other information that is provided thereto and is in the databases, including loss of such data and information.
- Atid Plus does not undertake that the service provided on the Site will be provided as required, without interruptions and disruptions and/or will be immune to unlawful access, damage, flaws, faults, failures in hardware, software or the transmission lines at Atid Plus or any of its suppliers.
- Atid Plus will bear no liability for any damage caused to a user or to any third party as a direct or indirect result of use of the service, including damage caused due to use of software applications downloaded directly through the service or operated as a result of use of the service, and the users alone will bear responsibility for the manner in which they use the service.
- Atid Plus will bear no responsibility for postings of third parties as a result of the posting of content on the Site, including for postings or information or content appearing on search engines such as Google, Bing etc., and in this context it will not be responsible for removal of content that was posted on such sites (such as the search engine’s indexing).
- Changes to the Site and discontinuation of the service
- Atid Plus reserves the right to make any change to the Site, including the structure of the Site, the services offered thereon, their content, scope and availability, links and any other change, as it deems fit, according to its sole decision and without any need to give prior notice thereof on the Site.
- Users shall have no claim or lawsuit against Atid Plus due to the making of such changes, or due to faults that occur incidentally to the making thereof.
- Atid Plus may decide, at any time, to take down the Site and discontinue provision of the services through it.
- We wish you beneficial use of the services offered on the Site. We are happy to receive responses and comments.
- Indemnification
- You undertake to indemnify the Site’s operator, its employees, managers or anyone on behalf thereof for any damage, loss, loss of profit, payment or expense that they shall incur, including legal fees and trial costs, due to a breach of these Terms of Use.
- In addition, you shall indemnify the Site’s operator, its employees, managers, or anyone on its behalf for any claim, lawsuit and/or demand that shall be raised against them by a third party in connection with Information or Content that you provided for posting.
- Law and venue
- Use of the Site and the databases will be governed solely by the laws of the State of Israel. The competent courts in the Tel Aviv district, and they alone, shall have sole jurisdiction over any matter deriving from these Terms of Use or from use of the Site and the databases.
- You may contact us on any issue pertaining to use of the Site via the “Contact Us” form.
I have read, and I agree to the Terms of Use